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Theory of Change

Addressing Social Isolation

One of the drivers for the existence of Mosaic Life Care is addressing the underlying causes of social isolation.

Our Theory of Change model is what we use to address the issue. The following diagram and description will provide you with an understanding of Mosaic Life Care approach to addressing this need.


Social Isolation has been linked to numerous health risks, including depression and mortality. This alone is a challenge across a community wanting to flourish.

Some common effects of social isolation include feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety, as well as an increased risk of developing certain physical health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.

What our programs provide

We provide programs to assist people with these issues of social isolation.

After a participant is engaged in one of our programs, they experience improved levels of personal wellbeing, social and bonding capital, and improved community cohesion.

Who is at Risk

Studies have identified several high risk groups:

  • Carers who are raising children in low - income families or under resourced communities.

  • Adults in transition (for example schoolwork, retirement, new migrants).

  • Stable Individuals exiting intensive crisis interventions: justice – system involvement, addiction, out of home care.

How it works

Connecting with people is the critical piece in the jigsaw puzzle of social isolation. Providing assistance to people in a meaningful way over a period of time gives people the confidence and support to change their situation.

Our approach is what we call a 'friend with purpose', a caring well-trained mentor who is available each week for 12 months. This mentoring relationship helps build the person's confidence to establish stronger social connections by focusing on an identified life goal.

Mosaic Baptist Church Canberra, established Mosaic Life Care Limited to develop non-crisis community support interventions to address social isolation and cohesion.

The COACH Family Mentor program is our pilot offering.